Monday, August 19, 2024

Dear reader,
Whether you check in here regularly, have just stumbled across it, or you thought you were searching for Neil Young's great 1974 tune of (almost) the same name, welcome to From the Turnstiles.
(Oh Lord, that came out 50 years ago.)
You'll notice I haven't posted for nearly twelve months. 2024 has been a truly awful year, dominated by hospitals and clinics, transfusions and chemotherapy as I battled leukemia and its attendant demons.
I'm okay, and confident of recovery, but haven't had the energy to go to anything, even on the rare occasions it was safe to, let alone write about what I've seen and heard.
Enough self pity. I've been well cared for by my medical team, buoyed by my friends and loved by those I love. And every day I've been grateful for our Australian health system, public and private, that's given me everything and asked for little in return.
I really hope to be back on my feet for the Festival Season (if all goes well I finish chemo in the first week of November), and I hope you'll pop in to Turnstiles then to share some thoughts with me. 
I am hoping to sneak out to one performance in November I'm desperate to see...
In the meantime, happiness and health to you and all yours.
David Zampatti